The prayer of Abu Hamza Thumali is narrated by Thabet bin Dinar Thamali from Imam Sajjad (a.s.). The words of this prayer, in addition to teaching prayers with God, express truths from the verses of the Qur'an in various fields. In a part of Imam Sajjad's (a.s.) prayer for human awareness of the consequences of good and bad deeds, and the relationship between this world and the hereafter to express the situations and events of the painful time of leaving the body, entering the purgatory, grave pressure, questioning and denying , Has left that stage and entered the world of resurrection. In this article, Quranic documents and their narrations are presented; And by using the books explaining the prayer of Abu Hamza, various interpretations and narrations of the Imams (a.s.) and in a descriptive-analytical method, describing its luminous words and expressing ways to reduce and ease the sorrow of death, ways to reduce or eliminate the pressure of the grave, ways The simplification of the question of the grave and the ways to get rid of the severity of the resurrection have been discussed
Esmaily F. Quranic Documents and Narration of Abu Hamza Thumali's Prayer in Relation to Death, Purgatory and Resurrection. سفینه 2023; 20 (78) :175-187 URL: