:: Volume 20, Issue 79 (6-2023) ::
سفینه 2023, 20(79): 61-74 Back to browse issues page
Extracting methods of criticizing the text of the hadith in the views of Feyz Kashani in the book Al-Muhajjah Al-Bayda
AmirHossein Rafizadeh Akhavian *
Abstract:   (263 Views)
Six centuries after writing the book "The Revival of the Religious Sciences" by Imam Mohammad Ghazali, Mullah Mohsen Feyz Kashani decided to refine this book with theological views and influential Shiite narrations and revive it. this article, by referring to the book "Al-Muhajjah Al-Bayda" by Mullah Mohsen Feyz Kashani, tried to answer the questions that How differences in the intellectual, ideological, and theological foundations of Feyz and Ghazali affected their critique and understanding of hadiths?
And what methods have been used by Faiz Kashani in criticizing the texts of hadith in "Al-Muhajjah Al-Bayda". The research methodology is qualitative and Based on the descriptive-analytical method. Data were collected from the library and electronic resources. The result of the research indicates that Feyz Kashani, relying on his doctrinal and theological views, has used methods such as hadith opposition to the Qur'an, tradition, definite history, and opposition to reason in rejecting incorrect hadiths.
Keywords: Critique of the text of the hadith, Faiz Kashani, Al-Muhajjah Al-Bayda, The Revival of the Religious Sciences, Abu Hamed Ghazali.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/04/14 | Accepted: 2022/05/21 | Published: 2023/06/22

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Volume 20, Issue 79 (6-2023) Back to browse issues page